Starting your small business requires special financially sound steps to make sure that you are not going to lose money. Paying the bills and earning a profit are all part of the financial end of the business, but keeping track of all the transactions is equally important. Having a business checking account is one of the most important part of maintaining how your business is being operated. Correctly managing a business checking account can make all the difference in keeping track of your expenditures and daily profits. There are many options today when it comes to selecting a business checking account. Knowing the right fit for you and your business is key.
Account Setup Common Mistakes
When you are new at opening a business checking account, it is a common mistake to put together the wrong paperwork. It is very important to bring the necessary paperwork so that all the pertinent information can be attached to your checking account. It is advisable to ask when you make your appointment what is required for you to bring so that you are able to supply all the proper documents. Your business checking account will help you during tax time which in some retail businesses can occur every three to six months. You will not need have your paperwork in order to prove you are a licensed business at all times.
Personal Checking Account Versus Business Checking Account
It is never wise to operate your business using your own personal checking account. Finances seem to get mixed up, and you will find it is hard to keep track of business debts and personal debts together. You need to make sure that you have a record of your revenue — especially if you have more than one means of income. The fact that you will need to collect taxes indicates that you will need to make sure that your money is set aside for when needed. Payroll is another issue that a small business owner often faces along with supplies.
How to Choose the Right Bank for Your Business
It is very important that you select the right bank for your business. In order to do this, start by making an assessment of what your business will require in order to handle all your transactions without paying unnecessary fees. A local bank may not be necessarily what you are looking for. Many financial transactions can be handled over the internet so the distance of the bank is not as important as the opportunities they might provide your business with. Credit Unions and the like may not deal with business checking accounts, but you will find that there certain groups that cater to small businesses like yours, which is a better option.
Checks = Important Part of Doing Business
When you register your business, you must give it a name. This is the legal name of your business, and it is imperative because some people might put the wrong name on checks when they make orders. When you plan on accepting credit cards or debit cards, it can create a very serious problem when using a DBA (doing business as). The legal name of the business must match the check print, especially with startups. One major concern is that some banks will allow you to order checks that are electronically printed through programs like QuickBooks, which will, in a way, save you in accounting fees later and help with your tax preparation.
Monthly Balances Important for Financial Savings
It is very important to keep the minimum monthly balance so that you will not be charged any sort of a fee. You will find that a business bank may offer a waiver on their fees if you drop below that amount. Make sure that you are not going to be paying off a lot of unnecessary bank fees because of your monthly balance. There are many things to consider when you do set up your business checking account, which is why you should make a list of what is needed for your business before you make an appointment at the bank of your choice.
Featured Image Source: Thinkstock/cyano66
Posted on February 15, 2023