Bladder Control Issues in Women: Treatments

Are you a woman suffering from a bladder control issue? Well, it is not just you, there are dozens and dozens of other women who suffer from the same problem. Urine control isn’t something you can ignore. In fact, it leads to embarrassment if you don’t find ways to cope with it. Why should you suffer from such discomfort when you can treat it easily? In fact, a tendency to urinate frequently, leakage, and an incapability to control urine pressure are some of the problems that are associated with age and childbirth. Remember that all doctors don’t ask for a routine urine examination every time, so sometimes you need to make the first move.

bladder control, bladder problem

Source: Thinkstock/HASLOO

Why should you look for help?

Bladder control is a problem that should be dealt at once. There are many reasons why you need to treat this issue right away. Some signs clearly point you in the right direction when you need medical assistance. For instance, a prolonged bladder problem like this can reduce your agility. In an urge to urinate frequently, you won’t be able to move about and perform your daily task easily. This hinders your daily activities and other routines. In fact, you often won’t be able to carry out small tasks due to your bladder problem. Next, such a problem also can make you withdraw yourself from all social interactions and activities.

When do you need help?

Did you experience a sudden leak while laughing at a friend’s joke? Well, you got your answer. If the urine leak problem continues, it is the time you need some medical help. You know you need help when you are embarrassed about urine leakage and avoid going out. Also, you need medical help if you try to rush to your washroom, but can’t be there on time and urinate in the midway.

When you really feel the urge to urinate, but you are unable to do so, and you notice that the urine stream tends to become weak and you are not able to empty the bladder completely. These two situations also require medical help.

bladder control, bladder problem

Source: Thinkstock/megaflopp

When should you visit a physician?

Many times a healthcare provider can help you deal with a bladder control issue without referring you to a doctor. But if your problem is serious, then you need to visit a doctor for immediate treatment. Some healthcare providers might ignore it, chalking it up to be the effect of childbirth, menopause, etc.

However, there are Urologists, who specialize in urinary disorders, geriatricians, who specialize in everyday life problems including a bladder problem, and urogynecologist, who specializes in problems related to pelvic floor that helps control and support the bladder system. You can consult with them, and with their guidance and treatment, you can get rid of this problem.

Why need medical history?

Your visit to the doctor will be fruitful if you have knowledge about your medical history. This involves making a list of past medical procedures and incidents such as surgeries, injuries, and illnesses. Also, make a list of the current medical treatment that you have undergone or are undergoing such as for diabetes, thyroid, etc.

Apart from this, you also need to make a note of the current and past urinary problems you may have faced. Finally, a proper list of all the medications you have been taking – if there are any. Often medicines are linked to bladder control issues, so list everything from over-the-counter medicines to prescription drugs.

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Source: Thinkstock/Visivasnc

Why maintain a bladder record?

Keeping a bladder record is highly essential. So, before you visit the doctor, make sure you get a bladder diary from his office. Also, make sure you know how to use it to note down the daily information accurately. A bladder record is mainly a day-to-day record of your symptoms along with other urinary habits. Maintaining such a record is important since it helps your doctor identify the problem you are suffering from and prescribe the proper treatment and medicine. This is the record you need to have with you when you visit your doctor so that he can understand the issues you are having and the pattern of your bladder control problem.

What is the result of the treatment?

The first thing that your physician will recommend will be a change in your lifestyle. This can even be followed by a change in your food habits as well. Your doctor may also recommend performing pelvic floor exercises, like Kegels. Apart from this, your doctor will give you a chart stating how much water you need to drink and when you need to use the washroom. If your problem is severe and medicines aren’t enough, you may need to have surgery. This depends on the severity of your problem. In most cases, bladder control issues alleviate with proper treatment. Even a little improvement helps if you can lead a normal lifestyle.

Featured Image Source: Thinkstock/andriano_cz

Posted on February 15, 2023