Reasons Why You Need A Nebulizer

Nebulizers are used in the treatment of respiratory conditions. There are cases in which oral medications or injections do not work and the drug has to be administered via inhalation in order to ensure that it goes straight to the lungs. At one point, these machines used to be large and bulky, but they are no more that way.

A nebulizer turns liquid medicine to mist so that it is easily transmitted to the lungs. A nebulizer delivers medication in the lungs and is given to asthma patients or other patients with respiratory problems. Today, nebulizers are often used at home as per the doctor’s instructions. For babies with certain respiratory conditions, infant nebulizers are used for giving medicines.

At one point, these machines used to be large and bulky, but they are no more that way.A nebulizer turns liquid medicine to mist so that it is easily transmitted to the lungs. A nebulizer delivers medication in the lungs and is given to asthma patients or other patients with respiratory problems. Today, nebulizers are often used at home as per the doctor’s instructions. For babies with certain respiratory conditions, infant nebulizers are used for giving medicines

Nursing homes serve a very important and valuable function in our society and their contribution is priceless.One of the components that really make a nursing home viable is the idea of them having the most recent in restorative gadget innovation keeping in mind the end goal to offer the elderly for their individual well being some assistance with conditioning. One of the most common health conditions is actually asthma. Asthma is when the lungs are not able to get enough oxygen and, as a result, the entire health of the individual suffers.

The reason for this is because O2 is the most basic component to keep human life and when there is a lack, it can result in serious health risks. One of the ways to keep asthma in control in the nursing homes is to use it. A nebulizer is a health and medical device that is specifically manufactured and made to deliver special medication to those with respiratory conditions.

A nebulizer is very well suited for the nursing home arena because it is quite small and portable and actually it is very cost effective. Through years of evolution in the technology the product has become very small and able to carry  So essentially the nurses can have this product with them and they can seamlessly move from one patient room to another without the need for wires or cables.

The other great benefit is actually the fact that the device is able to be carried easily because it is merely the size of the palm of your hand thus allowing for easy portability and movement. The cost factor is one of the best benefits of the new generation of these systems. Due to the dropping cost of chip components naturally the devices have also dropped in price as well and this is why they have become such popular products in the market.

If the nebulizer is causing too much irritation to your child, do not force it on him. Instead, use it when he or she is sleeping for an easier medication. On the other hand, remember to not feed the child just before the treatment in light of the fact that the solution might make him cough and in the event that he has a full stomach, he might vomit. Last but most importantly, you should never use a pediatric without a mask. The spray that comes as a concentrated mist may damage the skin on the child’s face.

Sourced from: webmd

Image Source: Thinkstock / ©yocamon

Posted on February 15, 2023