Understanding Allergy Symptoms

Have you or somebody you know dealt with allergy symptoms lately? We live in an increasingly polluted world with loads of foreign substances making their way into our bodies either though inhalation, ingestion, or other forms of exposure- so it’s really no surprise when individuals experience symptoms of allergies.

Some forms of allergy- such as extreme reaction to fur or dust- can be incredibly annoying, especially if the allergen cannot be completely avoided. It helps when a person knows how to spot allergy symptoms and more importantly, how to manage the symptoms when they show up.

Recognizing Allergy Symptoms 

Allergies come in different forms, and people tend to react in different ways to common allergens. The symptoms may also vary from one person to another; however, there are a number of common traits that distinguish most allergic reactions. Which of these have you experienced?

Common Symptoms of Allergies

  • Watery and/or itchy eye sockets
  • Slight dizziness
  • Minor cramping
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Skin irritation
  • Indigestion
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Rashes
  • Confusion

Inhalation of allergens such as smoke, dust particles, or pollen may cause a severe reaction in individuals with existing lung problems such as asthma, and since complete avoidance of such allergens may be tricky, it is advisable to carry an antihistamine of sorts. The extent of the reaction a person gets to any allergen, as well as the duration of the reaction will vary, but serious cases may warrant a trip to the hospital.

If being around cats gets your sinuses to block or your skin to break out with rashes, it is best to minimize contact, and to let the people around you know that you’re allergic.

Types of Allergies:

Food Allergies

  • Egg Allergy (Egg whites especially): This commonly affects children and reactions can range from mild to severe.
  • Nut Allergy: Individuals who experience allergic reactions to nuts should strictly avoid all types of nuts including peanuts, tree nuts, walnuts, cashews, and basically any food with nuts in it.
  • Fish Allergy: Your doctor should be able to identify exactly which type of fish causes the allergies, that way you can go back to eating other harmless seafood.
  • Wheat Allergy: This type of allergy can cause severe reactions including eczema, stomach upsets, rhinitis, bronchospasm, and in some instances extreme anaphylaxis.
  • Milk Allergies: Milk allergy can cause hives, wheezing, and vomiting. Milk and milk products are to be avoided.

Seasonal Allergies

Spring brings with it a myriad of allergens and because of this some people find it the most difficult time of year. Talk to your doctor about ways to minimize reactions when the plants start to bloom and pollen goes airborne.

Pet Allergies: Cats and Dogs

For an individual with dog allergies, life in a dog-loving country might be unpleasant. At least 40% of Americans own a dog, and dog dander gets everywhere, including places where don’t aren’t allowed.

Coping With Allergies

There are many other types of allergies that people struggle with every day (chemicals, , nickel, drugs, aspirin, cosmetics, mold, etc.) but there are medications to control these reactions. If you only experience allergic reactions during certain seasons then you should talk to your doctor about the best medication for you, and that applies to every type of allergy mentioned here. Get a doctor to examine the cause of the reaction, that way they can issue a suitable prescription.

Featured Image: Photo by Jim Lukach / CC by

Posted on February 15, 2023