• lower ldl cholesterol, high ldl cholesterol treatment, lowering ldl cholesterol

    Cholesterol Medications

    High lipid and cholesterol levels can significantly increase one’s risk of developing heart attack, chest pain, and stroke. Fortunately, there are several effective high LDL cholesterol treatment options available today. Lipid levels can be lowered using a combination of exercise, diet, weight loss, and medications. As the level of...
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatments, rheumatoid arthritis treatment

    6 Natural Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatments for Flare-Ups

    There are some diseases that are quite unpredictable. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is just one of them. Like today, your joints may feel extremely well and painless. However, tomorrow, the pain and swelling may flare up, causing you to want to stay in bed all day. The symptoms known as...
  • blood clot treatment, blood clot treatments

    Blood Clot Treatments: Your Best Options

    Blood clots can range from mild and easily treatable to very severe. Whatever your situation and urgency may be, it’s important to know your options before starting any medication or your blood clot treatment plan. Blood clots can have a variety of symptoms, depending on where in the body...
  • 5 Myths Busted About the Common Cold

    The common cold is one of the most prevalent illnesses on earth, but there’s still a lot we don’t understand about it—especially when it comes to its causes. Because of this lack of information, several popular myths about the condition have emerged. While believing in one or more of...
  • Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer

    The pancreas is the organ that is responsible for delivering enzymes to the body that are essential for digesting food and metabolizing sugar. Cancer of the pancreas occurs when the tissues of the organ are overtaken by harmful tumors that inhibit the way the pancreas functions. Even when pancreatic...
  • What To Do If Your Child Has Constipation

    Stool or fecal matter is usually what absorbs fluids into the intestine. When this is all combined with the inside movement of the intestine, this is what gets the fluids through without difficulty. If the fecal matter remains in the colon area for too long, or takes its time...
  • Information About Migraine Headaches

    Migraine Headache Information Migraine headaches are caused when blood vessels in the head dilate suddenly. About fifteen to twenty percent of men and twenty-five to thirty percent of women have migraine headache, and more than half of these sufferers have a family history of migraine. Nobody knows the exact...
  • Bladder Control Issues in Women: Treatments

    Are you a woman suffering from a bladder control issue? Well, it is not just you, there are dozens and dozens of other women who suffer from the same problem. Urine control isn’t something you can ignore. In fact, it leads to embarrassment if you don’t find ways to...
  • Aspirin Can Lower The Risk Of Some Cancers: Here’s How

    Your entire body is made up of cells, which make up the tissues in your body, which a make up your organs. Your organs allow for your body to function and are responsible for various body processes that are necessary for living. Sometimes, however, your cells undergo uncontrolled growth...
  • What is Congestive Heart Failure

    Congestive heart failure is a progressive condition in which your heart does not pump or fill efficiently. In other words, blood flow through your heart is abnormal. The condition is chronic, which means it cannot be cured. There are, however, many treatment options available to help slow progression and...
  • Causes Of Glaucoma

    Glaucoma is an eye condition that is characterized by optic nerve damage that ultimately gets worse over time. This optic nerve damage is usually caused by an increased pressure in the eye due to fluid build-up. Improper Drainage Improper drainage can occur from blockage of the structures that allow...
  • Psoriatic Arthritis Testing and Diagnosis

    Psoriatic arthritis (PSA) is a condition that affects people who have psoriasis, an immune system disorder that appears as reddish or silvery skin lesions. Symptoms of PSA include periodic inflammation of the joints and body tissues, including the heart, eyes, kidneys, lungs, and spine. A person may have symptoms of...
  • Treatments for Alcoholism Including Alcohol Rehab

    Alcoholism is a chronic disease that results from an addiction to alcohol. This disease is characterized by symptoms such as uncontrollably drinking, continuing to drink alcohol even when it causes financial or relationship problems, physical dependence to the substance, and experiencing withdrawal symptoms when drinking is slowed or stopped. People who...
  • Do You Know How To Monitor Your Blood Glucose Levels?

    Bayer’s Contour Blood Glucose Monitoring System This device makes it easy and convenient for continuous glucose monitoring. You can even store your test results for up to two weeks and the test only takes five seconds each time! Notably, this device offers optimal and accurate results in that the...
  • Everything You Should Know About Fatty Liver Disease

    About one-fourth of the world’s population is affected by this disease. The worldwide prevalence of this disease is estimated to be nearly 10-24%.  In the early stages, people are not aware that they have this condition. Most of them are diagnosed when they are being tested for other reasons. We...
  • Low Testosterone Treatment Options

    Testosterone is the hormone that gives men characteristics such as facial hair, fertility, developed muscle tone, and deep voices. Low testosterone is treated by replacing the testosterone that would normally be produced by the body. Testosterone replacement therapy should always be closely monitored by a doctor, as there may...
  • How Safe Are Low-Carb Diets?

    If you would like to lose a little weight in time for summer, you might be wondering how safe low carb diets really are. There are lots of diets out there, some making extremely strong cases about the amount of weight you could lose, and how rapidly you can...
  • Symptoms of Diarrhea

    Diarrhea develops from bacterial imbalances in the digestive flora of the stomach and the colon, causing painful bloating, loose bowels, stomach cramping, and dehydration. When the delicate balance of bacteria in the digestive system is disrupted, inflammation in the lining of the colon can quickly exacerbate illness. Colon and stomach irritation...
  • Hidden Signs Of Bipolar Disorder

    Bipolar disorder is an emotional instability that includes quick change of temperament conditions. As the name infers, “bi” implies two or double and “polar” indicates extremity. By application, this implies a man with manifestations of bipolar disorder tends to suddenly change polarities from amazing joy down to extreme misery...
  • Menopause: What You Need to Know

    Medical professionals have all come to realize one thing. That is, that there are approximately thirty-seven menopause indicators. These indicators could be anything from an easy-to-miss and mild indicator, right through to a very major disruption to your way of life. Most people who have a high chance of...
  • A Guide to Buying Small Business Insurance

    There are many risks involved in business that can make or break a company. Luckily, by finding the right business insurance, you can limit those risks and conduct operations as usual. Insurance protects your assets. Don’t fret, though! Purchasing business insurance is an easy process once you learn and...
  • Home Insurance: What You Need To Know

    Your home is possibly your most treasured financial asset. In fact, your home represents your family, lifestyle, escape from the world outside and a return for years of hard work and devotion. This is why Home insurance is the kind of security that is essential to every home owner....
  • 9 Things That are Increasing Your Risk of Early Menopause

    There is no crystal ball or DNA test to predict when menopause will hit, though your best bet would be to look at exactly when your mother or older sisters first experienced their own menopause. “Family history is often the best predictor,” states Mary Jane Minkin, a clinical doctor...
  • IBS vs IBD: What’s the Difference?

    Although inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can have similar symptoms, they are two very different things. IBD is a group of diseases (like ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease) that result in areas of intestinal tissue becoming inflamed because of an improper bodily immune system response....
  • metastatic breast cancer treatment, metastatic breast cancer treatments

    Recurrent or Metastatic Breast Cancer Treatment Options

    Metastatic cancer is a type of cancer that has already spread from the body part where it started (known as the primary site) to other body parts. When the cancer cells break away from the tumor, they could travel to other body parts through the bloodstream or lymph system...
  • epilepsy treatment, epilepsy treatments, epilepsy treatment options

    Options for Epilepsy Treatment and Care

    Epilepsy is a neurological condition that affects the nervous system. It is also known as a seizure disorder and diagnosed when a person has two or more seizures that were not caused by some known medical condition such as alcohol withdrawal or extremely low blood sugar. There has been...
  • buy treadmill, best treadmill home, buy treadmills

    What You Should Know Before Buying A Treadmill

    Treadmills have become the hottest home exercise equipment choice. Basic treadmill models can start at $100 and can go up to $5000. It could be dark outside or even snowing, but with a home treadmill, you can still manage to have an effective workout. Treadmills can have an AC...
  • 5 Remedies for the Common Cold

    The common cold is an unpleasant condition marked by symptoms such as congestion, sore throat, headache, fatigue, muscle ache, and a persistent cough. Unfortunately, medical science has yet to discover a cure for this nuisance, which means that most people suffering from it will have to endure a week...
  • Treatments for Pancreatic Cancer

    When it comes to treating pancreatic cancer, there are three main options for those suffering from this disease. Depending on the advancement of the cancer, these treatments can be used individually or in conjunction with one another. Treatment options include: Surgery Radiation Therapy Chemotherapy Surgery Surgery is generally used for...
  • 5 Soothing Heartburn Remedies

    Nearly all people will experience heartburn at some point in their lives, and it’s estimated that for 40% of people, this problem will recur at least once a month. Fortunately, there’s lots you can do to reduce your symptoms or even stave off heartburn completely. Aside from the obvious...
  • 3 Home Remedies For Migraines

    If you are one of the 37 million people in the United States who suffers from migraines, consider all of your options before starting a drug regimen. Some home remedies can be just as effective and cheaper than prescription pain medicines, and they have the added benefit of no...
  • How To Know If You Have An Allergy To

    is an antibiotic. It is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs in the world today. Under most circumstances, can be a life-saving antibiotic and at the same time a deadly poison to those who suffer an allergic reaction. Approximately 10% of the population experiences an allergic reaction when...
  • 5 Superfoods to Eat If You Have Osteoporosis

    Osteoporosis is a condition that lessens bone density and bone strength which results in fragile bones. Osteoporosis causes them to become very spongy much like that of a sponge thus crippling the bones resulting in frequent fractures. Bones are made up of collagen, protein, and calcium which coincide together...
  • Treatments Of Heart Disease

    If you are, or think you are, having heart problems it is important to be checked out by a doctor, because it might be a heart disease and heart disease treatment may help you. When it comes to heart disease there are many types, from Coronary Artery Disease, Heart...
  • Lymphoma Types in Children

    Lymphoma is a term that refers to a type of cancer that originates in the body’s lymphatic tissues. These include the lymph nodes, lymph vessels, the thymus, the spleen, the tonsils, the adenoids, and bone marrow. Lymphoma is the third most common type of cancer in children, affecting approximately...
  • Is Your Birth Control Affecting Your Overall Mental Health?, What’s The Difference Between Bipolar I And Bipolar II?, 10 Signs: Recognizing the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder, bipolar depression treatments, bipolar disorder treatment, severe depression, Helping Loved Ones With Depression, 5 Surprising Signs Of Depression, Can Psychedelic Drugs Benefit Depression And Anxiety?, Depression, Depression And New Dads: Are You At Risk?, How To Treat Depression: Advanced Methods, Postpartum Depression Explained, treat depression, help with depression

    Debunking 8 Myths About Depression

    Depression is something 1 out of every 10 Americans will experience at some point in their life. However, many ignore or misunderstand the signs of depression because of the myths and stigmas that surround the disorder. And the fact that some people often do not take it seriously and...
  • Main Causes of Liver Cancer

    Liver cancer is a serious condition that can be fatal if it isn’t treated as soon as possible. There are many causes of this condition and numerous risk factors. Fortunately, research is being done to identify all the causes of liver cancer and ways to prevent it. Main Causes...
  • Stress and Tinnitus : What’s the Link?

    Tinnitus is recognized as ringing in the ears. It is a common problem that is estimated to affect around 1 in 5 people. Tinnitus is not considered a condition, but instead is a symptom of an underlying condition. For example, it often occurs with hearing loss. It is also common for...
  • The Signs and Symptoms of Liver Damage

    Liver damage in the form of liver disease is one of the few diseases that has an incidence rate that continues to climb annually. The femur is the longest bone in the human body, the aorta is the largest artery, and the largest and heaviest internal organ is the liver....
  • Gynecomastia: What are the Signs?

    Gynecomastia involves the enlargement of male breasts to the point of resembling female breasts. This condition usually occurs due to a hormone imbalance or during hormone therapy. The condition can occur at any age and is not confined to those who are overweight. While often embarrassing, it is a...
  • What Are the Best Treatments for Acne?

    When it comes to acne, there is no simple answer. While one treatment may work for one person it may do nothing for another. Unfortunately that is not an answer so what we’ve done is put together several different treatment options that are available to people who are suffering...
  • rheumatoid arthritis treatment

    Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

    Rheumatoid arthritis, commonly known as RA, refers to an autoimmune disease where the immune system (which normally protects the body’s health by attacking foreign substances such as viruses and bacteria), mistakenly attacks the body joints. This, in turn, creates inflammation which causes the tissues that line the inside of...
  • 10 Common Reasons for Diarrhea

    Diarrhea is a condition that causes a person’s stool to be looser and more liquid than normal. While diarrhea affects almost everyone at some point in their lives, its origins are not always identical. Here are ten of the most common causes of diarrhea: Medications that contain magnesium, such as...
  • Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Recognizing The Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder

    What’s The Difference Between Bipolar I And Bipolar II?

    Bipolar disorder is not a new concept in the medical field seeing as many people have been diagnosed with the condition. Awareness, as well as acceptance, has substantially increased. However, very little is known about distinguishing the two existing types of bipolar disorder which entail bipolar I and bipolar...
  • Symptoms and Signs of Cancer

    Cancer is a group of diseases that manifest themselves in a variety of ways. As cancer grows, it will begin to put pressure on certain nerves, blood vessels, and organs. As a result of this constant pressure, signs and symptoms will begin to present themselves.  How the signs and symptoms...
  • What you Need to Know Before Buying Small Business Insurance

    If you have a small business, you need to know about small business insurance. Maybe you have purchased protection, maybe you haven’t yet. Although every type of business has different types of risks or needs, there are some common considerations. Before you buy, here are four things you should...
  • Insurance For Your Home-Based Business – Do You Really Need It?

    Insurance for home-based businesses is often neglected. The majority of home-based business owners believe that since they have home insurance, their home-based business activities are also covered by the same insurance. This may be true to a certain extent, however, your home based business activities may perhaps void your...
  • Home Remedies for OAB

    Overactive bladder affects millions of men and women. Symptoms include feeling an overwhelming, uncontrollable urge to urinate, increased frequency, urine leakage, and waking to urinate several times during the night. Overactive bladder is a frustrating condition for many people. It can also be embarrassing if symptoms such as leaking...
  • What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

    Irritable-Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common condition that mainly affects the intestine causing recurrent left-side abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, and/ or constipation. It is often associated with stress, depression, anxiety, or previous intestinal infection. According to doctors, it is common in one in every five Americans. Who should look...
  • non drug treatment for diabetes type 2

    Non Drug Treatment for Diabetes Type 2

    Diabetes is a metabolic disease caused by an increase in high blood sugar levels for a prolonged period of time. Our body requires sugar in the form of glucose which we get from the food we eat. In order to consume the glucose, our body produces which is produced...