Is There A Cure For Depression?

We all know someone who has suffered, or still is suffering from depression. While many underestimate the power of this disease, those who have seen it affect someone they care about will definitely tell you otherwise.

Emotional pain is just as real as physical pain and mental health issues are definitely not something to be taken lightly, by any means. A few legitimate questions arise: What is it exactly and is there a cure for depression? Read on to find out.

What Is Depression?

Although commonly mentioned in magazines, movies and literature, this complex disease is not completely understood. While it’s definitely alarming that we are all aware of it, the fact that people know so little about is even more concerning. Depression may have become a part of our pop culture, but it still hasn’t become something we all widely accept as a disease. And just like any other disease, depression is not a choice.

So, what exactly is depression? Simply put, depression is not just a disease, it’s a mood disorder produced by chemical imbalances in a patient’s brain. There are many potential causes. Stressful events in a person’s life are definitely a big one, but things like genetic predisposition, hormone changes, loss, illness and substance abuse are also, quite commonly, a reason why someone is depressed.

Is There A Cure For Depression?

So, is there a cure for depression? Well, since depression is such a complex disorder it’s hard to answer this important question. Although a large number of patients respond to antidepressants and therapy, currently, the answer would probably be no. After years, even decades of research scientists still haven’t found out what the specific anomaly, or defect if you will, in one’s brain causes depression.

Because of that, it’s hard to define what a cure, even if it could theoretically exist, would look like. It would be great if one could just swallow a pill and be cured in an instant, but unfortunately, the mechanisms of depression are complicated and not entirely understood by science or medicine yet.

On the other hand, while it can’t be cured, depression can definitely be treated. Medicine and science continue to evolve and as each year goes by prescription therapies yield better results. Off course, prescription therapy isn’t the only form of therapy. Talk therapy, behavioral therapy and cognitive therapy generally produce good results. But unfortunately, it’s not uncommon, for people who suffer from this crippling condition to relapse and fall back into that vicious circle. Therefore, a competent therapist and a willing patient are absolutely crucial.

Those who suffer from depression shouldn’t refrain from seeking professional help. Unfortunately, many do because of the stigma attached to mental health issues, but even that is slowly but steadily as each year goes by. There is no shame in feeling emotional pain and because of that, there definitely should not be any shame in seeking help. If you are suffering from depression or happen to know someone who is, provide help in any way you can. No one deserves to feel pain, physical or otherwise.

Image source: Thinkstock/NADOFOTOS

Posted on February 15, 2023