Tooth Pain Treatment

A tooth ache has got to be one of the most dreaded pains one can undergo. Cavities, loose tooth fillings, cracked teeth, an abscess on the gum line and a sinus infection can all cause a tooth ache.

Home remedies that can soothe tooth aches

 Clove oil

Cloves were used in ancient times to numb nerves. Eugenol is the primary active ingredient in cloves and is a natural anesthetic. The use of clove oil should be carefully done as getting too much of it on an aching area can worsen the pain if it lands on sensitive gums or on the tongue. The best way to use this remedy is by putting two drops of the oil on a cotton ball and placing it against the affected tooth until the pain recedes. Another alternative is using a pinch of powdered clove or placing a whole clove against the aching tooth. If using a whole clove, chew it a bit to release it oils and keep it in place for about half an hour or until the pain recedes.

 Ginger cayenne paste

These are two incredibly heat packed spices. Mix the two ingredients in equal measure and add just enough water to form a paste. Saturate a cotton ball with the paste then place it at the site of the aching tooth while taking care not to touch the tongue and gums. Keep the cotton ball in place until the pain subsides or for as long as you can stand it. This concoction is likely to burn, so care must be taken. Both cayenne and ginger are natural painkillers and can be used separately to ease pain. Capsaicin the active ingredient in cayenne is known to block pain receptors from reaching the brain.

 Salt water

One teaspoon of salt dissolved in a cup of hot water is a very effective painkilling mouth wash. This mouth wash can also relieve one of sore throats. The concoction helps clear away irritating debris and reduces swelling. Swish the salt water in the mouth for around 30 seconds before spitting it out. Salt water cleanses the site of the irritated tooth and draws out some of the fluids building that may cause inflammation. This treatment can be repeated as often as necessary.

 Peppermint tea

Peppermint is known to have numbing powers, in addition to having a nice taste and flavor. Steep for 20 minutes one teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves in one cup of boiling water. After the fluid has cooled swish it around the mouth for a while then spit it out. Some people choose to swallow it after swishing it around which is also okay. Peppermint oil is also known to soothe headaches.

The tannings found in black tea can also deal with tooth aches by reducing swelling. For this, a warm and wet tea bag can be placed against the aching tooth to provide a remedy.

Hydrogen peroxide

A mouthful of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide solution can be swished around the mouth to kill bacteria and relieve toothache discomfort. If the tooth ache is accompanied by a foul smell and a fever, both signs of infection, hydrogen peroxide can help bring some much needed relief. After rinsing the mouth with hydrogen peroxide it is also advisable to rinse the mouth several times with plain water.


Place an ice cubes in a plastic bag, then wrap the bag with a thin cloth. Place the package against the aching tooth for around 15 minutes. This remedy numbs the nerves around the tooth offering much needed relief.


The mouth can also be rinsed with a tincture of myrrh. Myrrh has the added benefit of killing bacteria in addition to reducing inflammation caused by the aching tooth. Simmer one teaspoon of powdered myrrh in two cups of water for thirty minutes. Strain it and cool it, then use one teaspoon of the solution and add it to half a cup of water to rinse the mouth for about five or six times a day.

Vinegar and brown paper

According to ancient people soaking a brown paper-say a grocery bag- in vinegar then dabbing black pepper to one side of the paper and holding it to the cheek near the inflamed tooth eases pain since the warm sensation from the bag distracts one from the pain emanating from the tooth.

Brush with the right tools

A toothpaste brand recommended for sensitive teeth should be used in this case. For people with shrinking gums, who experience pain from having hot and cold foods this is a perfect remedy. One should also use soft bristled tooth brushes to avoid causing any further damage and inflammation.


One can cover a cracked tooth or one that has a missing filling with gum. This can relieve pain by covering the exposed area. It is also advised that one should avoid chewing with that side of the mouth until a visit to the dentist is made.

Apply pressure

Acupressure applied for about two minutes helps to trigger the release of endorphins which helps to ease pain.

Featured image source: DepositPhotos/SIphotography

Posted on March 24, 2023