This is the 21st century where effective communication has become an integral part of any successful organization. Starting from basic methods like email and mass mailers, we have now progressed to communicating using the latest method i.e. a video conferencing solution. This is an innovative method of communication which uses latest technological equipment to reach out to your team, discuss work prospects, meet the targets set, and ultimately do all this without wasting any precious man hours.
While companies are efficiently using a video conferencing solution to organize and conduct management training and meetings, dropped calls and technical glitches lead to a loss of employee time and waste of effort. However, by adopting some simple tricks, we can enhance our video quality and make video conferencing a pleasurable and convenient experience.
Using a Cloud Phone System
Using a cloud phone system for video conferencing provides you with multiple benefits at a low cost. The most efficient part of a cloud-based phone is that you can add or remove as many lines as you want to, depending on the size of your organization. Apart from that, you get full access to your account where you can manage bills, usage, charges, and even make changes in settings without needing any external support. Since the cloud phone is hosted by your provider, all your issues are resolved by him as he is responsible for solving the technical issues, and that too only requires a phone call. The cloud phone system can be connected to any kind of device making it suitable for multi-purpose usage. To top it all, this comes packed with a lot of additional benefits at a very affordable price which makes cloud phone systems for video conferencing convenient, fast, and inexpensive for businesses.
Use Optimal Software
Whenever you feel you need to improve the quality of video conferencing, your first step should be to use reliable software that is intended for professional usage purposes. Free programs like Skype and Google chat will not be able to give you the quality and smoothness that you expect in a business setting so they should be avoided at all cost. Some of the best options, in this case, are Adobe connect, PGi’s iMeet, Cisco’s Webex Meeting Center, Fuze Meeting Pro, and Citrix GotoMeeting. Their ease of use, the scope of having multiple participants, and the ability to be operational on all platforms like Windows and Mac make this software the best choice where video conferencing solutions are concerned. If you have a limited budget and cannot rent or install a full-fledged broadcasting space, then the above-mentioned services will provide you with the desired results with maximum quality.
Create an Ambiance
One major reason video conferencing sometimes fails to deliver impeccable results is the absence of a proper environment in the room. It is not imperative that you install expensive lighting systems in the room to get the desired effect; even simple lighting fixtures can do the job – they just need to be placed in a manner that provides the maximum desired effect. One major factor that needs to be kept in mind is that the background light should never be brighter than the foreground lighting as it will impact the visual quality of the video. Also, the computer’s monitor light should never be treated as the main source of light. Lighting should be used in such a way that it falls on the objects, and only then it can provide the optimum viewing experience. Lighting used can be diffused with the usage of paper to provide softness while viewing.
Check the Bandwidth of Your Internet Connection
Everything we mentioned above may be pointless if your internet does not have the required bandwidth. The internet plan selected should be such that it is able to sustain streaming of high-quality video or audio. A low bandwidth can cause glitches in your video transmission, so even though a normal internet speed would be fine at home, a corporate-level video conferencing is a different ballgame altogether. A different bandwidth than the one required may lead to frequent drops and glitches in the conference. One thing that needs to be kept in mind is that some programs may require a dedicated in-house server in order to operate properly. It is vital to understand all the requirements of the software before picking up one that is best suited to your needs and budget.
Camera Quality and Sound
Last but not the least is the use of a high-resolution camera. If adjusting the light has not made any change in your viewing experience, the problem could be with your camera. HD video cameras are, of course, always preferable. Lighting and a high-resolution camera go hand in hand in helping you achieve the ultimate quality that you want during your conferencing experience. However, none of this is that effective unless your attendees are able to hear you clearly. Built-in microphones on laptops have a minimal audio quality, so to reach out to a wider audience, it is advised that an external microphone be installed. You could also purchase a compression microphone as it eliminates even frivolous sounds like breathing.
Featured Image Source: Thinkstock/Rawpixel Ltd
Posted on February 15, 2023