Credit cards can be really stressful. First, you’ve got to think about which bank you’re going to go for, then what type of card you need, and finally, all of the extra costs that’ll incur during the process. Well, it doesn’t have to be that way. You could be on your last legs, and as you’re getting your groceries, you may find out that it has been maxed out early all because of some hidden fees. It’s difficult to find a credit card to suit everyone, which is why it’s so important to do research to find credit card offers that will be fitting to your particular situation. We know how much of a struggle that can be, which is why we’ve made a list of the top three zero interest credit cards. Simply read on to find out which one of these zero interest credit cards could be the right one for you!
Citi Simplicity Card
This card is a good one to think about when considering a new credit card because it has no late fees or penalties, so you won’t get bit in the butt when you’re not prepared for it. There is an annual fee of just… wait, $0 and there is a balance-transfer fee of 3% (minimum $5). It’s a good introduction to APR in terms of credit cards for those debts that seem a little bit too far in the future. This winner among the best zero interest credit cards could be perfect for you if you do some more research. It is a really good option if you believe yourself to get a good handle on your debt within the next few months, up to a year. You can find credit card offers in abundance out there, but this one seems like it’d be a pretty good one to go with. However, just a small word of caution, there aren’t a lot of rewards with this credit card, which makes it a little less appealing for those who need incentives. There are a lot of upsides to this card, however, and it could be yours with a little more research. It’s got a 3% foreign transaction fee, so if you’re going overseas, maybe try another card. Without the interest, you could focus more on reducing your debt. This card could be the one for you if you’re thinking about the low fees and the way you can get your debt down.
Chase Slate
Like the Citi Simplicity Card, the Chase Slate card makes it a lot easier to get rid of your debt. We know what you’re thinking. If they’re so similar, what sets them apart? Keep reading to find out what sets the Chase Slate card apart from the Citi Simplicity Card. It has no annual fee, so you’re in the clear there. If you feel like there is the slightest chance that you could clear your debt over the next year, Chase Slate, one of the best zero interest credit cards, could be perfect for you. There is an ongoing APR charge starting at 13.24% but there are no balance-transaction fees for 60 days when it starts up. Also, like the other card, it has a 3% foreign transaction fee. When it comes to no interest credit cards, the Chase Slate card could be the card for you.
Chase Freedom
With Chase Freedom as your zero interest credit card, you get a massive $150 signup bonus when you spend $500 in the first month of signing up. That’s always a great bonus when you get something back from your credit card instead of it taking everything. It’d be way cooler if it would clear our debt completely but we know that would never happen. It has zero annual fees , so it’s something you don’t have to worry about as much. This kind of introduction towards the whole credit card thing is pretty good. Especially if you’re trying to reign in your debt a little, it can be a really big help. If you think you can get a handle on your debt, this card could be the card for you.
Featured Image Source: Thinkstock/AndreyPopov
Posted on February 15, 2023