It can be embarrassing and uncomfortable dealing with body odors for everybody. But in reality, it is virtually impossible to smell like roses and freshly done laundry all the time. Body odor is normal! Except when it isn’t. Here are 6 times that your body odor isn’t normal, and...
Are you the kind of person who spends three hours in the gym every day and still can’t manage to get the bulging muscles you’re looking for? If so, there’s a good chance that you’ve considered using supplements to increase your progress. While there are some great products out...
About Hip Pain Torso of the human body is joined with the legs by a joint called the hip joint. Any pain within the joint or around it is referred to as hip pain. This is a common problem and sometimes it does not call for a person to...
Vertigo and an extreme sense of dizziness can strike at any given time and for many, many reasons. While vertigo can be painful or mild, quick or aggravatingly recurring, the main thing to do once a sudden spell of the dizzies hits is to see a doctor. Finding the...
Though not life-threatening, hyperhidrosis can be a real issue and can negatively impact your quality of life. It can be difficult to deal with or even talk about this condition, but an understanding of the symptoms, as well as how to treat them, can help you regain your confidence. What is Hyperhidrosis? In...
A tooth ache has got to be one of the most dreaded pains one can undergo. Cavities, loose tooth fillings, cracked teeth, an abscess on the gum line and a sinus infection can all cause a tooth ache. Home remedies that can soothe tooth aches Clove oil Cloves were...
Myocardial infarction, also commonly referred to as a heart attack, and heart failure are often thought of as the same condition, but they are in fact two separate conditions. Unpacking Myocardial Infarction Myocardial infarction or a heart attack happens when the blood flow to the heart muscle gets severely...
There are several ways you can treat a toothache at home. Once you figure out what’s the root of your discomfort, you’ll be able to best determine how to relieve the pain, swelling, or any other symptoms you may be experiencing. However, if symptoms continue for longer than two days,...
When taking any medication for any sort of heart condition, it is important to continue taking the medication— unless your primary physician advises otherwise—and to track your medication intake. Discontinuing any medication, even if you believe you are feeling better, may cause your condition to worsen. Atrial fibrillation (AFib or...
Pulmonary fibrosis is a condition that is marked by serious trauma to the lungs. In time, this trauma results in trouble breathing. A host of diseases can lead to the development of pulmonary fibrosis, one of the most common of which is rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis is...
Rheumatoid arthritis can affect any joint in the body, including finger joints, which can cause pain among other symptoms. Along with finger pain, swelling, and stiffness, patients may notice that their finger joints are warm and tender and possibly even misshapen. They may experience carpal tunnel symptoms such as numbness...
1.Consume a healthy breakfast. Skipping breakfast can leave you feeling tired for the rest of the day. This is why breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. A good breakfast should consist of healthy protein such as yogurt or eggs, fresh fruit or vegetables, and some...
Psoriasis is a common skin condition that accelerates the life cycle of skin cells. It causes cells to accumulate on the surface of the skin quickly. Extra skin cells Often form itchy and painful scales and red patches on skin. Psoriasis is a chronic disease that often happens over...
resistance (IR) is a condition where an individual cannot process efficiently in the body. The body is unable to make use of the produced on its own, so people with this condition need to be supplied with the substance to a greater extent. resistance is typically the messenger and primary...
Eczema patches are itchy, red, and not at all pleasant to look at, but they could be telling you more things about your overall health than you might think. The surefire way to eliminate those itchy, flaky patches of skin is pinpointing the root cause of them. People who...
Pneumonia may have a variety of causes. The viruses and bacteria we breathe into our lungs are, however, the most common culprits. Our bodies are usually well-equipped in circumventing bacterial or viral infection in the lungs, but some pathogens can take their toll on the immune system, even if you...
Sweat—everybody does it, and virtually no one likes it. Because of the social taboo that surrounds this bodily function, there is a wealth of information about what causes it and how to stop it. Unfortunately, not all of this information is 100% correct. Here is a look at five...
Hair is beauty and everyone always treasure the value of his/her hair. This is the reason why no one would love to loss the hair easily and they will always spend as much as possible to retain the density of their hair. But did you know that you can...
What is herpes? Herpes is a viral infection that can cause a significant amount of stress to those affected. Both genders are susceptible to contracting this disease. It typically affects the lips, inside the mouth, and even the eyes. The infection can likewise infect the genitals, hence, the name...
Prostate cancer is a painful and potentially deadly disease that all men should be aware of. It’s wise to speak with your doctor and learn about your personal risk factors. You can begin to educate yourself on this topic by learning about the following three prostate cancer risk factors....
What Is Hip Pain Hip pain is something which can be caused by many different problems. Exactly where the pain in your hip is occurring, can be a likely answer about what the actual problem is. Problems which are in the joint itself will typically result inside the groin...
Sometimes we all just get a little dizzy while other times that dizziness could be a condition known as vertigo. Vertigo is a sensation of dizziness makes it feel as if you’re spinning in a circle at an alarming rate. It can be very unsettling and interrupt the most...
Hemophilia is an inherited genetic disorder in which the ability of blood to clot is greatly reduced causing the sufferer to bleed severely even from a minor injury. This condition mainly arises from a hereditary factor carried on the X chromosome, factor VIII. Small cuts are not a big...
A heart attack happens when the bloodstream to the heart gets reduced. Medically, another name for a heart attack is a myocardial infarction. Pressure and pain in the heart is a primary sign that an individual is experiencing a heart attack, but there are usually more symptoms involved. Other...
There are many afflictions that can occur in the oral cavity, or mouth. Luckily, there are also numerous ways to treat these afflictions, including through the use of medications. Medications can help with tooth pain, infections, and anxiety caused by these problems. Pain management is often behind many of...
The traditional treatment for preventing stroke caused by atrial fibrillation (AFib or AF) has been and -type drugs, which are anticoagulants. has been used to prevent blood clots for over 70 years in patients. For a long time, -type drugs were the only form of anticoagulant available. Now, however,...
Genital herpes is not yet curable. That said, there is a variety of herpes medication that works by lessening the length and recurrence rate of herpes symptoms. Your herpes treatment is determined by your primary physician based on numerous factors. Your First Herpes Outbreak Your first genital herpes outbreak tends...
Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) can be treated with chemotherapy, depending on the stage of cancer. Chemotherapy can be injected directly into a vein but it can also be taken orally. Either way, the chemotherapy drugs enter into the bloodstream and disperse throughout the body. For NSCLC, chemotherapy might...
Body odor is caused by bacteria that break down sweat. It is mainly related to apocrine glands, from which most body odor comes. These glands are often found in the breast, genital area, eyelids, armpits and ears. In the breast, they secrete fat droplets into breast milk while in the...
The age to start your anti wrinkle serum keeps getting pushed up, according to famed esthetician Renee Rouleau, she thinks anti wrinkle products can be used as early as age 21, but the most important thing is to use anti wrinkle products that are appropriate for your skin type....
Eczema is a common skin condition that causes inflammation and irritation, which can also be referred to as dermatitis. Eczema has a variety of subtypes, but all eczema types typically result in similar symptoms. These symptoms can be: Itching: Itching can get severe, and scratching the affected areas can...
Pneumonia can be a severe and potentially life-threatening condition. The cause of pneumonia is usually a bacterial or viral infection of the lungs, both of which can be quite dangerous. If you suspect your child is exhibiting symptoms of pneumonia, it is essential to seek medical attention as soon...
Pulmonary hypertension is a potentially life-threatening disease that affects the arteries connecting the heart to the lungs. These blood vessels narrow over time, which leads to an increase in blood pressure that causes additional damage and stress to them. While this damage cannot be reversed, with proper treatment, the...
The concept of masculinity has long been championed among men throughout their process of growth and when they finally attain adulthood. ‘Manly’ behavior is often associated with strength and strongly rids itself of any form of weakness such as ill health. As such, the traditional macho man has been...
In recent years, as knowledge and awareness of the dangerous repercussions and potentially life-altering effects serious head trauma can have has grown, blood tests are quickly becoming an essential resource for diagnosing an individual’s injuries and monitoring any impact these injuries may have on their mental health further on...
Hip pain is common ailment suffered by many and unfortunately can be caused by a variety of different problems. Hip Pain Treatment can be managed in several ways depending on the cause and severity of the condition. Non-Surgical Hip Pain Treatment A physical therapist can help hip pain sufferers...
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease that affects the body’s central nervous system, wreaking havoc with the nerve impulses transmitted to the brain and spinal cord. The most common symptoms and side effects of MS include motor function, pain, weakness in muscles, depression, and severe vertigo. Vertigo makes it...
Laxatives are a very viable solution to relieve and prevent constipation. However, it is important to note laxatives are not safe to use over extended periods of time they can lead to dependency and reduced bowel function. Any number of factors ranging from poor diets, pregnancy, illness, travel and some...
Heart attacks, also referred to as myocardial infarction, are sadly all too prevalent in the United States. As a matter of fact, a heart attack transpires about every 20 seconds in the U.S., leading to approximately 500,000 deaths per year. All the expenses related to heart events add up...
A tooth abscess is an infection that spreads from within the tooth to the tip of the root. The tooth has lost its ability to fight off infection, allowing for the spread of bacteria throughout the tooth. Tooth abscesses can be caused by poor oral hygiene or dental care,...
When you have atrial fibrillation (AFib or AF), it means that you have an abnormal heart rhythm or arrhythmia. In AFib, the atria (upper chambers of the heart) beat irregularly, causing them to beat out of sync with the ventricles (lower chambers of the heart). This can cause blood...
You cannot cure herpes, but there are various treatment options available. One of the most commonly prescribed treatments for herpes is antivirals. These include acyclovir, famciclovir, and . Antivirals help to lessen the transmission rates of herpes. They also help to reduce the severity of outbreaks. When taken daily,...
Non-small cell lung cancer—or NSCLC—is a type of lung cancer. There are several treatment options available to patients who have non-small cell lung cancer. One of these options is going on or Gilotrif. What treatment option a doctor recommends to patients with NSCLC will depend on the characteristics of...
People with ulcerative colitis often suffer from iron deficiency resulting from blood losses. This can be corrected with iron supplements or by eating high iron foods such as liver, beef, turkey, lamb, tofu, spinach, molasses, oatmeal, and eggs. Adequate fluids and low fibre foods may be of benefit in treating...
Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms include abdominal pain and diarrhea, sometimes bloody, and weight loss. Viruses, bacteria, diet, smoking, certain medications, and stress have all been suggested as environmental triggers, but there is no definite evidence that any...
In diagnosing eczema, doctors do not require any lab tests; they can reach a diagnosis by simply conducting a physical examination of your skin and checking your medical records. They may also recommend patch testing or some additional tests to eliminate the possibility of other skin conditions or conclude...
Pneumonia refers to a severe infection of the lungs, which can be a relatively dangerous condition, either affecting one or both of the lungs. Pneumonia can arise due to inhalation of particles of harmful substances or pathogens coming from an infected individual’s cough or sneeze, especially in an enclosed...
Lupus is a type of chronic inflammatory disease. When you have this condition, your immune system erroneously harms tissues and cells that are otherwise healthy and normal. Lupus inflammation can have an impact on numerous body systems, including the lungs, joints, heart, blood cells, skin, and brain. Since its...
Hyperhidrosis is a chronic condition in which you perspire excessively when your body is under normal, everyday circumstances. Hyperhidrosis causes both sides of your body to sweat even when you are not overheated, nervous, or exercising. It may occur unnecessarily at least once a week, according to the Mayo Clinic....
Is your hair damaged from a poor dye job? Is it limp and needing some volume and shine? If you’re looking for ways to fix your ‘do in a natural way, check out these foods you can incorporate into your diet easily! Strawberries These are rich in ascorbic acid...