• treatment pulmonary embolism, pulmonary embolism treatment, pulmonary embolism treatments, treatments for pulmonary embolism, treatment for pulmonary embolism, pulmonary embolism info

    Pulmonary Embolism and Hypertension

    Pulmonary hypertension is a potentially life-threatening disease that affects the arteries connecting the heart to the lungs. These blood vessels narrow over time, which leads to an increase in blood pressure that causes additional damage and stress to them. While this damage cannot be reversed, with proper treatment, the...
  • Is This ‘Manly’ Behavior Shortening Your Lifespan?

    The concept of masculinity has long been championed among men throughout their process of growth and when they finally attain adulthood. ‘Manly’ behavior is often associated with strength and strongly rids itself of any form of weakness such as ill health. As such, the traditional macho man has been...
  • Concussions Could Soon Be Detected By Blood Tests

    In recent years, as knowledge and awareness of the dangerous repercussions and potentially life-altering effects serious head trauma can have has grown, blood tests are quickly becoming an essential resource for diagnosing an individual’s injuries and monitoring any impact these injuries may have on their mental health further on...
  • Treatment Options For Hip Pain

    Hip pain is common ailment suffered by many and unfortunately can be caused by a variety of different problems. Hip Pain Treatment can be managed in several ways depending on the cause and severity of the condition. Non-Surgical Hip Pain Treatment A physical therapist can help hip pain sufferers...
  • Vertigo and Multiple Sclerosis

    Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease that affects the body’s central nervous system, wreaking havoc with the nerve impulses transmitted to the brain and spinal cord. The most common symptoms and side effects of MS include motor function, pain, weakness in muscles, depression, and severe vertigo. Vertigo makes it...
  • Medications Constipation

    Laxatives are a very viable solution to relieve and prevent constipation. However, it is important to note laxatives are not safe to use over extended periods of time they can lead to dependency and reduced bowel function. Any number of factors ranging from poor diets, pregnancy, illness, travel and some...
  • Myocardial Infarction Symptoms

    Heart attacks, also referred to as myocardial infarction, are sadly all too prevalent in the United States. As a matter of fact, a heart attack transpires about every 20 seconds in the U.S., leading to approximately 500,000 deaths per year. All the expenses related to heart events add up...
  • Tooth Abscess Treatment

    Tooth Abscess Treatment

    A tooth abscess is an infection that spreads from within the tooth to the tip of the root. The tooth has lost its ability to fight off infection, allowing for the spread of bacteria throughout the tooth. Tooth abscesses can be caused by poor oral hygiene or dental care,...
  • AFib Treatment: New Oral Drugs

    Atrial fibrillation, otherwise known as AFib or AF, is a condition in which the heart beats irregularly. This irregular beating can lead to blood clot formation in the upper chambers of the heart (the atria). If the blood clot breaks free, it can move into the brain, restricting blood flow access...
  • Herpes Medication

    , or , is used to treat infections that are caused by various viruses. The drug is used to treat cold sores around the mouth and chickenpox in children. In adults, is used to treat shingles and cold sores around the mouth. is also used to treat genital herpes....
  • adynovate hemophilia treatment

    Hemophilia B Treatments

    Hemophilia B cannot be cured, but it can be treated and managed successfully. There are two courses of treatment for hemophilia B that are the most common paths for most patients to take. These include replacement therapy and clotting agents. Replacement Therapy and Clotting Medications Replacement therapy helps to...
  • Top Natural Remedies for Eczema

    Treatments of Eczema Treatments of eczema may include medicines, topical creams, light therapy, good skin care and so on. But for the patients, it’s important to know the triggers before trying any chemical medicines. Just consult a professional doctor and get the answer. However, there are some natural treatments...
  • 10 Foods That Prevent and Treat Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

    Deep vein thrombosis, or DVT, is a condition in which a blood clot (also called a “thrombus”) forms in the deep veins of the body, particularly in the legs. While some folks are predisposed to clotting because of blood diseases, others may need to be careful because of certain...
  • 6 Reasons You Might Have Chronic Nasal Congestion

    Understanding the cause of your chronic nasal congestion and your triggers may help you in relieving your symptoms much more effectively, so here are some of the most common reasons for nasal congestion or a stuffy nose. You might have nasal congestion due to allergies The lining of the...
  • Eczema Complications and Prevention

    Eczema, also referred to as atopic dermatitis, is a condition that results in red, dry, itchy, and flaky patches of skin. Eczema is chronic and causes recurrent outbreaks with periods of remission. Although eczema still cannot be cured, preventing flare-ups and relieving symptoms such as itching is possible with...
  • Streptococcus Pneumoniae

    Pneumonia is a medical term used to refer to the infection of the lungs. One or both of the lungs may be affected by pneumonia. When we take in air, it flows through our airways and into the alveoli of the lungs, and from there, oxygen enters the blood...
  • Lupus: What are the Risks?

    Lupus is a type of chronic inflammatory disease. When you have this condition, your immune system erroneously harms tissues and cells that are otherwise healthy and normal. Lupus inflammation can have an impact on numerous body systems, including the lungs, joints, heart, blood cells, skin, and brain. Since its...
  • Diagnosing Hyperhidrosis

    Hyperhidrosis is a chronic condition in which you perspire excessively when your body is under normal, everyday circumstances. Hyperhidrosis causes both sides of your body to sweat even when you are not overheated, nervous, or exercising. It may occur unnecessarily at least once a week, according to the Mayo Clinic....
  • Get the Ultimate Hair Loss Treatment for Your Hair, hair loss

    9 Foods That Will Make Your Hair Healthy

    Is your hair damaged from a poor dye job? Is it limp and needing some volume and shine? If you’re looking for ways to fix your ‘do in a natural way, check out these foods you can incorporate into your diet easily! Strawberries These are rich in ascorbic acid...
  • bph drugs, bph treatment, benign prostatic hyper

    What Is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia?

    Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is basically an enlarged prostate gland. The growth of the prostate occurs in two phases as a man matures; in the first phase, the prostate doubles in size as a boy reaches puberty, and then later around the age of 25 growth continues. As a man...
  • Top 6 Cold Sores Treatments

    Cold sores are blisters no one would allow or welcome on his/her face or even anywhere else on the skin. They are not only unappealing aesthetically but also very painful. As we get to some facts about cold sores, they are caused by Herpes simplex virus (HSV-1), and they...
  • Understanding Vertigo and How to Treat It

    What is Vertigo? Vertigo is far more than just feeling dizzy. It is an extreme perception of the world spinning like a top. It is the world spinning around you as you yourself feel like you are spinning or the ground beneath your feet moving at a different speed...
  • Healthy Meal Plan for a Week

    Modern times have made people lazier, which essentially affect their feeding habits and in the long haul their general health. Over the weekends most find it more convenient to lounge on the couch and enjoy movie marathons instead of going to the local market to shop. What most people...
  • Myocardial Infarction Treatments

    Myocardial infarction is more commonly known as a heart attack and it is a significant health concern today. Many aspects of modern life, from unhealthy eating habits to stress-inducing lifestyles, mean that more and more people are developing heart disease and experiencing heart attacks. Heart pain is the hallmark...
  • Advil Tooth Pain Treatment

    Advil Tooth Pain Treatment

    Toothaches are a pain within a tooth that can range from mild to severe. They can be caused by many things, including tooth decay, a fracture, damaged filling, chewing gum, grinding teeth, and the buildup of food debris between teeth. Injuries and other conditions can also cause tooth pain. Beyond...
  • afib apixaban medications

    AFib Medications

    () is one of the new oral anticoagulants (NOACs) that help to reduce the risk of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation (AFib). How  () Works directly inhibits the coagulation factor Xa, which is one of the factors that contribute to blood clot formation. In this matter, helps to prevent...
  • herpes test

    Herpes Test

    It is common for people not to realize that they have herpes, often because symptoms do not present themselves at first. Genital herpes often does not have symptoms and when symptoms do occur, they can easily be mistaken for something else. It is important to receive the proper herpes...
  • adynovate hemophilia treatment

    Adynovate Hemophilia Treatment

    Hemophilia doesn’t have a cure, but there are treatments available to help manage hemophilia. What treatment patients receive will depend on the type of hemophilia they have. Adynovate is one of the treatments used to help patients who have hemophilia A. Patients with hemophilia A either don’t have enough...
  • Healthy Eating Tips to Treat Diabetes

    Figuring out the best foods to eat when you have diabetes can be tough. Picking the right foods to eat when you have diabetes can help lower your blood sugar or keep it stable. This passage will help you how to put on the menu when planning diabetes diet....
  • Foods to Help with Rheumatoid Arthritis

    If you have arthritis, you know just how devastating this condition can be. Fortunately, there are many foods that can ease inflammation and may help relieve some of the joint pain associated with arthritis. In fact, one survey found that 24% of those with rheumatoid arthritis reported that their...
  • Nasal Allergy Treatments

    A host of factors can be the cause of nasal congestion (or a stuffy nose), including the flu, the common cold, and exposure to allergens. Regardless of what your triggers are, you do end up experiencing the annoying symptoms of nasal congestion. The root cause of that stuffy sensation...
  • Atopic Dermatitis Eczema

    Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis in the medical world, is a skin condition that causes redness and itchiness. While it is fairly common among children, it can develop at all ages. Eczema is a chronic condition characterized by recurrent flare-ups and is often associated with allergic rhinitis (hay...
  • Pneumonia Vaccine

    Pneumonia Vaccine

    Pneumonia, or the pneumococcal disease, is the most common in children. However, adults are at the greatest risk of it becoming serious, and in some cases, pneumonia in adults can even lead to death. There are two kinds of vaccines that can help to prevent pneumococcal disease. Children under...
  • What Causes Hyperhidrosis

    Hyperhidrosis is an embarrassing condition that causes excessive sweating. While it’s commonly referred to as a singular entity, there are actually two different forms of hyperhidrosis—primary focal and secondary general. Both of these variations have wildly different causes, some of which provoke concern more than others. Here’s a look...
  • Workouts to Improve Back Mass and Strength

    The biggest mistakes that people typically make in their back workouts are focusing on the wrong exercises and focusing on high-rep training, rather than high-weight training. If you hope to add mass and strength to your back muscles, you should instead focus on lifting heavy weights with low repetitions,...
  • Symptoms Of Hernia

    A hernia is a common medical issue occurring when tissue or a portion of an internal organ bulges through an opening or weak spot in muscle tissue. Although the majority of hernias occur in the abdomen, they can occur in other parts of the body as well. Hernias are...
  • What is a Hiatal Hernia

    When the opening between the diaphragm and the esophagus grows too large, a hiatal hernia can result. This type of hernia occurs when the top of the stomach bulges through the opening and into the chest. Although the exact cause of a hiatal hernia is unknown, medical researchers have...
  • Vertigo and Neck Pain

    Neck pain can be a simple, uninhibited issue with few repercussions once the pain has been managed. Likewise, feeling dizzy can be a result of simply standing up too fast. Neither neck pain or dizziness have to be a big deal, but the two combined can be a sign...
  • Treatment Options for Unstable Angina

    Unstable angina is a condition where the blood does not get enough blood flow and as a consequence, oxygen. It may in the long haul lead to heart attacks. Angina is a type of chest discomfort caused by poor blood flow through the coronary vessels of the myocardium. It...
  • Myocardial Infarction

    Myocardial Infarction Causes

    Many things can lead to a heart attack or myocardial infarction, but the primary cause has always been clear: the narrowing of the arteries in the heart. There are numerous risk factors associated with myocardial infarction, including high LDL cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol) levels, hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes, a...
  • Orajel Single Dose Tooth Pain Treatment

    Orajel Single Dose Tooth Pain Treatment

    Tooth pain is inconvenient and never a good time. There are several different ways to treat tooth pain caused by toothache. One of these is through a medication called Orajel. Orajel provides instant pain relief for many causes of pain, including tooth pain, through several different products. One of the...
  • new ms drug ocrelizumab multiple sclerosis

    New MS Drug Ocrelizumab Multiple Sclerosis

    Ocrevus or ocrelizumab is a new drug for treating primary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) and relapsing MS. It is the first therapy for treating primary progressive MS approved by the FDA. What Is Ocrevus? Ocrevus is a monoclonal antibody that binds to the molecule CD20 on the surface of immune...
  • advanced bladder cancer treatment

    Advanced Bladder Cancer Treatment

    Once bladder cancer has reached an advanced stage, the first thing that is done is often a transurethral resection. This is done to determine how much the cancer has advanced or the extent of its spread. Stage III Bladder Cancer After determining how far the cancer has grown, the...
  • Itchy Rash & Viral Infections

    Viral infections most often result in skin problems such as rashes, itchy or irritated skin. Typically, a rash occurs, and resolution is seen after the immune system clears the infection. This commonly happens to patient with meningitis, hepatitis, shingles/chickenpox, herpes, std (HIV), etc. The viruses may also cause high...
  • Options for Senior Living

    There is a broad array of housing options available to today’s seniors: Senior Apartments This option offers independent market rate in an apartment complex with the security and conveniences of community living. It is a good choice for older adults who are looking for ways to enjoy the company...
  • Find the Best Air Purifiers Guide for Home

    According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor air pollution is among the top five environmental health risks we currently face. The best way to address the risk of breathing polluted indoor air is to eliminate the source of pollutants with ventilation and filtration. An air purifier can reduce...
  • Relieving Nasal Congestion Symptoms

    Nasal congestion, also known as a stuffy nose or head congestion, is caused by the swelling of the nasal passages as well as the surrounding vessels along with an overproduction of mucus. Nasal congestion is typically more of an inconvenience than a serious issue, but it can also be...
  • dupixent dupilumab eczema treatments

    Dupixent Dupilumab Eczema Treatments

    Dupixent or dupilumab is a biologic that is prescribed to help treat eczema. Biologics (biologic drugs) are targeted therapies that use human DNA to treat various diseases at the immune system level. They can be taken either subcutaneously, which is through the skin, or intravenously, which would be injected through...
  • Hives in Children

    Hives are a quite prevalent skin condition among children. They appear as red or white, inflamed, and itchy bumps on the skin. Hives typically only persist for only a few hours or a few days at the most, but in certain chronic cases, they may last longer, possibly for...
  • 9 Things That Are Increasing Your Risk Of Early Menopause, POSTMENOPAUSAL BLEEDING

    Menopause: Understanding Hot Flashes

    Hot flashes are sudden feelings of feverish heat that occur usually in the face, neck, and chest. Hot flashes are one of the most common symptoms for women who are going through menopause. Hot Flash Symptoms The frequency of hot flash symptoms can vary from a couple of times...